The Whitakers start a new building project - this time for themselves........................

Yip, its all started, every project requires a Project Manager and a Quantity Surveyor, so somebody has to to do it. Then of course the project will actually call on the GUYS who do the "WORK" The Whitakers start their new house project and planning for the future.

The foundations of 13 Balalaika St which we hope to move into towards end of March next year. Very exciting, and though not a double story it will be split level to go with the slope of the land. Forgot my hard hat at home!!

On site instruction under Health and Safety regulations will now issue a warning. If the PM or QS come on site again without the proper issued safety gear then they will be banned from site.
This will include, Hard hat, High Visibility vest, Safety Glasses and hard capped shoes and on a Friday afternoon a ice cold 6pack or two must be brought to site.