The new year saw the inauguration of the 44th President of the USA and I am sure you all spent some midnight oil watching the whole thing on the telly. Good luck to Barack - Mr President. TheCowles are among some of your youngest citizens and am sure they will be following you and your achievements closely.
22 years ago, The Bechards left SA and "packed for Perth" and the 26th January brings on Australian day, so another country brings out the champagne with a huge day for their citizens. Tessy- Mitch and family are proud to take part in the festivities, that we can be sure of - HAVE A CRACKER MATE.
Anybody going to China to celebrate new year today?????..............
Then we have amongst us a genius, and we did not even know it - Carol has come up with a further thought on the quest to try and find Kevin, the item of news goes like this..........
I had a brainwave this evening, these kind of waves are very rare! I decided to phone Audrey Downs this evening to see if she could find out Kevin’s ID from St Joesph’s Church records. As you all know little Kevin was buried from there. It just struck me if anyone can find out anything from the Catholic Priest, or the Church secretary, I am sure Audrey can. She said she would find out anything she can on Sunday as it’s no good phoning the church without proper dates etc, so will be much better for her to see whoever in person. Audrey took my telephone number and said she would phone regardless of if she could or could not find out anything. She was also not sure if the church keeps on record the ID numbers of the parents of a child that is buried from there. Isn’t it strange, it’s only when you are looking for something like this that you find out if it’s done or kept, or the procedure. I have a gut feeling that the church will have the information. I will let you all know via the Blog what Audrey does or doesn’t come up with. She mentioned her Mom passed away at the grand age of 94 in May 2 years ago. Still had all her wits about her but had lost her hearing and her sight was gone. She sent her regards to all.
Let’s all pray we find the info we need to carry on the search for Kevin.
Well done Carol and we look forward to the feed-back soon.
Tania is off to Dubai for 10 days and Debbie is off to the USA so I am sure February will bring us plenty of news and photos on these and other items.
Billy is over his operation and is almost back to his young foolish self. Together with himself and the editor ( himself) he sent out a blog comment questionnaire earlier. We had some very interesting feed-back from speed -videos and photos, so get your comments in before the summary is done and put out for all to read and digest. Funny enough on the BBC news last night there was an item on and about how viewers felt about the music in the back-ground during news items at times being to loud, but hey, the blog got in first with it breaking news a week-ago on this subject - so we are ahead of the BBC - well done.
Tessy has started her own blog and has come up with a very original Idea and it goes like this........
Hi one and all
Visit me at as I am new to this blog thingy give me time to get things in order and up and running. Thanks to Bb who is going to help me along the way.
Talking of Google and search etc I have a friend who we last had contact with in about 1986 and a few months ago she traced me through Facebook and My space and we now communicate via e-mails and now will also chat on skype.
It is truly wonderful to find old and dear friends.
Luv and prayers for you all
Thanks to everyone who sent in contributions for the 8 o'Clock news and we look forward to your February contributions, comments, photos and videos. Keep them comming............................
The EDITOR..........................................