All the photos in this news bulletin have been added to 1 common album, so you can see all the event in one go. The link is at the bottom of the bulletin.
Tessy has been busy again with the DSA and just loves this event and as if I haven't said it before..... Hello to the DSA and all those fantastic Guys & Dolls - WOW you just amaze us with your dedication and of course your love for the sport you enjoy so much, sharing it with these special people. Thanks from all the Cowles world wide.
Then Tessy received a package in the post from our news corespondent in Nelspruit - Sunny South Africa and this is what she had to say about it - Magic or something like that......
Today I received a parcel and it contained 4 angels. 2 were Germolene tubes(Miracle cream)and the other a very special set of worry beads which I will treasure for the rest of my life. The last was a HUGE amount of love. My Sis - Carol sent me these gifts and I will always thank her for her love and dedication to me. I love you Sis with all my heart – Tessy
Now that's something to think about, it is like Mrs Balls Chutney in the UK, the locals cant get enough of the stuff - they call it magic food. With the good spring weather we are having, the is a SA butcher in our local village and on a Saturday he gets the braais out on the pavement of his butcher shop, and makes trillions of BOEREWORS HOTDOGS, and of course decorates them with the chutney, needless to say he sell a hell of a lot of bottles of Mrs Balls Chutney as well.

Here is me having one of the spring braais in my own back yard, before the rugby Irish - Wales rugby match, last Saturday. Needless to say the Irish got the Six nations and the grand slam as well - the first time in 61 years.
Now we are off to Barra in Mozambique - FISHING

remember him Billy, he was Paul's best man at his wedding. Well Tickey
hooked a Marlin, if you concentrate on the two video shots you can see the
Marlin jumping out of the water clearly in the first video and then slightly
in the second one. Tickey brought it up to the boat after fighting it for
an hour and then they tagged and released it into the big deep blue.
Monica spent a few minutes to send in these two beautiful photos of her and Kevin's

The Editor just wants to know one thing " How is Kevin going to handle all those eligible young men knocking on the front door" ????????????

'I am flippen finished' !!!
Debbie returns from AMERICA - BOISE - IDAHO
fortunately all in one piece
Herewith long awaited photo's from my trip to Boise, Idaho at the beginning
of February 2009. I was invited by Special Olympics International as a guest
to watch our South African team play floor hockey - we won and came home
with gold. Even though the trip was short - I got to spend 5 magnificent
days in Boise.

We stayed at the Grove Hotel which had a breath taking view of the snow
capped mountains - being the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
We took a day trip out to Bogus Basin Ski Resort, about an hours drive from
Boise, situated in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. It was absolutely
beautiful. Ventured out on the ski slope, got concussed and was brought down the slope on a medic sled (still don't remember what happened). Was rushed off to hospital where I spent the afternoon under observation.
The opening ceremony was awesome.
I was invited to walk into the stadium alongside our SA Athletes. Felt very important and very honoured.Before long we were on our way back to Boise Airport to catch our looooong
flight home.
Lots of love, Deb's
Leon, Elizma and Liam went to South Africa to visit Elizma folks, share little Liam with them and spent 2 weeks catching some sun on the beaches of the south coast.
I am sure we will have plenty of photos & videos to watch on their blog next week. when Elizma & Liam arrive back in the UK.
While out on a walk on the beach front in Margate with Liam in his pram, there they were walking along and taking in the fresh sea air. An elderly couple walking in the opposite direction stopped to admire Liam, talk to him, tickle under the chin and pass a comment what a beautiful little baby boy. That's it and off they go........ when the are about 2o meters past, Leon Turns around and shouts "Oom Mieg - Tannie Jane", all of a sudden he thinks ( a bit apprehensive) I am sure its them. Its me Leon. The eldery man says "WHO" Leon replies I am Ria's son. WoW they are all so surprised, get back together again and have a long chat about the family, who's who in the zoo and all that jazz. They part with best wishes for the family on both sides.
Well, the elderly couple was by pure chance Ria's only brother and his wife, also on holiday in Margate - from Alberton.
How many of us would be in the same boat, walking down the street and not recognising a close or even a very close family member.
Now this is where the blog comes in - get your news and photos in so we can all see what you look like and what is happening in your world.
Don't forget to send in a new picture of yourself for the
Editors Note: I for one would walk past a few of you lot - so do something about it.
We would all love to see your news and a photo or two.