Yip its actually now 5 past 8, never mind better late than never....................
Wow, how times flies when you having fun, It is very hard to get to grips that it is the end of may already and we move into the second half of 2009.
Now here is some good news from our reporters/detectives in Nelspruit
Debbie contacted the Department of home affairs and gave them Kevin’s full date of birth and full name. She told them we just want to find out if he is still alive and that we are trying, as a family, to contact him. They told Debbie he is alive, he is in South Africa but they are not permitted to use the voters roll to inform family or anybody of any ones whereabouts. What they did say they would do is contact Kevin, in writing I presume, and give him our details and also that we just want to know if he is ok. Debbie received a letter from Home affairs confirming that they will do this and then it is up to him.
Billy, Debbie will be sending you a scanned copy of the letter she received from Home Affairs. They were indeed very helpful.
At least we now know he is still alive and if he wants to contact any of us it’s over to him.
Your friendly detective agency,
Debbie and Carol
Next up, Molly and family had a good trip to Europe, popped in to London and then a week in France, so we all look forward to some amazing pictures of the adventure.

Carol took some pics from her lounge window of her new house and this is what came out once she had the film developed at the chemist, - wow have not heard that done in 20years............ just a laugh, is it not amazing this digital camera era we live in. Remember how we all looked in awe, when some rich person pulled out his instant Polaroid camera........... Carol says this photo is the benefit of staying on an estate that is stocked with game animals, we cant wait to see the Rhino or elephant on her pati0

And this is what it would look like if the Elephants popped in for a sun downer

As stated above the year is flying, just yesterday when the cowltjies were around to help celebrate the Bulls win in the semi-finals S14, it is just inconceivable to think 1 week to go and LIAM will be 1 year old, Elizma was saying... he is growing up much tooooooo fast and wishes to stall it and slow the growth down because he is so gorgeous and full of tricks.

go check out
Leolizma.com and
Bill & Ria's blog for some more fantastic pictures of Liam.
Talking of birthdays, this coming month of June has another big one, IT IS PARTY TIME
ALLAN COOPER IS 60 on the 5th June
buy your plane tickets, drive there swim or walk because you are all invited, just give Trish a ring if you are going.

Last Saturday Billy-Ria-Tania went to the theator to see Singing in the rain. Now that was worth every penny spent on the tickets. One of the best live shows we have seen, throughly enjoyed it.

Of all the shows we have seen so far, Mama Mia, Cats, Lion King, Phantom of the Opera, South Pacific, "Singing in the Rain" rates as one of the top shows so far.
Now, a very special thanks
For all your thoughts and Prayers, the amazing words of support and extreme love in all your messages, emails and sms's during Leon's 2 months of illness, he has made an amazing recovery and is once again his old cheeky self - My hero is back - WOW.
What I loved about the whole thing, was those little things, the bond of unconditional love and friendship - it has made me richer - a very richer man.