Saturday, 30 January 2010

AND THE WINNER IS ..................................


Mitch is doing well with his golf and gets his name in the paper quite often I am attaching a results page from last Sunday morning newspaper, where he won some sort of points for winning something on the day, chasing a little white ball. See how much I know !!
You would have to blow this up a bit. Under Corinda you will see ..................

Division 1 - A Grade - M. Bechard

anybody for a 4 ball - I will meet you at the 19th.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Stapelbergs go sailing - BON VOYAGE

Just a few photographs of the new addition to The Stapelberg Family, down under. She has not been named yet, but will let you know what she is called. So proud of James who has worked so hard for this boat and now has his very own successful business and employs two other guys. Congrats to the Stapelberg family and bon-voyage on its first launch in the sea.

Billy, how about that song, don’t know it’s name but goes like this – I am sailing, I am sailing……is it Rod Stewart? Or any appropriate song for a sea going boat. I am sailing might be a bit too much of a love song - but that's what this is all about , is it not - LOL Carol

Spot on Sir Editor AHA and I was right guessing it was Good old Rod…No one has a husky voice quite like his. Comes a good 3rd to Sir Cliff Richard. Yes Billy go for it…hope to have some Aussie photographs from Debbie this weekend of their trip to send you with a story, she is just so busy at the moment to write a story but I know all about their trip. Failing that we are going to J’burg the following weekend and I will bring the disk back with 100’s of photographs and send you plenty so you can make a good ‘show’ for all of us to enjoy, especially me .

MY NAME IS - ??????????????
May you sail the seven seas and conquer all the storms

Friday, 22 January 2010


Sandra and James play host to Debbie and the two girls on a visit over to Australia. The Bechards joined them for lunch one day at a place in the middle of where everybody stayed. Tessy, googled it and all was arranged, so it was about 1/2hr travelling for everybody, it looks like they had a whale of a time.

I believe there are lots more photo's to come. These came from Tessy, as for Debbie who moved to Jo-burg just 1 week before going down-under has gigabits of photo's , but on her return has a whole house to unpack. So watch this space, as soon as they arrive in the Editors inbox, they will be posted right here on the 8cowles blog.

It is strange, when one looks at group photo,s like this, and then tries and work out the family structure, me I'm to old for this, so Tessy has gone and put it into perspective for us.

Monique's cousins are Sandra and Debbie and not their children. Monique and us have seen
Sandra almost ever year for a few years now. Until they moved here Sandra used to come here
for business and we would catch up with her. Debbie and Monique had not seen each other, except in photos on the net and the 8cowles blog, for 22 years. Just like Leon and Monique. So this was quite a historic visit, not only for Monique but for Debbie and the girls.


Sunday, 10 January 2010

it is 2010 the next generation comes forward

Can you look back and see the "old man" in his vest - well done MITCH you are going on 65

and then its NEW YEAR in California, with THECOWLES

lots more to come when I finish building my new PC, this old machine is sooooooooooo slow

its New year in the UK aswell

Friday, 1 January 2010

Christmas in London Town

Well close enough to London anyhow, actually in Woking-Surrey, with the Cowles and Liam

It was 1999, when the millennium bug was to hit all our PC's, we survived, thanks to Leon and as he puts it "MY INDUSTRY". Through all this turmoil we sit at Christmas 2009 and with this technology I bring you JOY and HAPPINESS with all the blog updates and pictures/videos. Now here is a sample of real HAPPINESS - LIAM @ CHRISTMAS.2009

May 2010 be A WONDERFUL WORLD for all of YOU