Well what do we say, The editor and family reside in Great Britain, politics after the 6th May will never be the same again, forming a coalition of 3 parties that has never happened since the 2nd world war. Enough said, about the the possibilities of a 4th world war within the Cowle family.
Well it is about to happen......................................
There are 3 PARTIES, being- Billy & Ria, Leon-Elizma & Liam, Tania & Andy. or should I say 4 with Murphy & Roxy being the Dachshunds ( Sausage dogs) that are coming with.
We are all going away for a week to Center Parks Resort in the South West of England from the 24-28th May 2010.
Picture this, WHAT DO WE EAT?
Ria, Elizma & Tania have been exchanging emails for days now and there is still a week and a 1/2 to go. What the hell comes out of this remains a mystery. Who takes what- Who Cooks what and at what time, what is for breakfast, lunch and supper.
The three of them, have put menu after menu together and our Internet connection has slowed down to a trickle due to pure overload of ideas and different menus VIA EMAIL.
From - who does what, when and how, with what ingredients and how much it will cost.
All this, just to take a break from routine, leave it up to three woman and it becomes a major disaster, with tooooooooooo many answers and not enough questions.
Then from the dark dark corners of a small northern area of Great Britain comes a voice of minority in the form of a SCOTSMAN, yes Andy pipes up with the following question.
Of all the menus and ideas and creative cooking, with - what pans and pots and knives to take with, WHAT ABOUT WE "BRAAI" not BARBECUE but BRAAI, now, I ask with all the South African Blood and heritage the rest of us have, we kneed a SCOTSMAN to ask the question - WHAT ABOUT THE IDEA THAT WE HAVE 1 OR MORE BRAAI's
I rest my case and say - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY - "ANDY"
Now this is not the end of the story, episode 2 starts right here on the 8cowles blog
The moral of the following story remains -
You have to read the story below and in your mind, picture ( with a little bit of creativity and logic) Billy at Waterloo with his IPHONE sending a sms/text message of his train he is about to catch ....................... the punch line at the end is AWESOME - JUST BLOODY AWESOME
As a pre-amble or introduction----The Editor, alias Billy, travels by train, to & from Woking-London every day to work. Every afternoon/evening he sends a text/sms to Ria, as to what train he will be catching home and this ranges from 5:15, 5:25, 5:30, 5;40; 5;50; 5;55 through to the 01:30 depends if he goes for drinks with the lads at work OR NOT.
This tells Ria what time to pick him up at Woking Station ABOUT 30 minutes later.
Now, what could be easier than that - plain and simple with a difference of 30 minutes.
Just last night, Billy decides to make it interesting, out of the norm, he can - with a bit of special effort, catch the 5:15 and if he does he sends a text/sms as follows....
Now this specific evening he does make the 5:15 and sends a one word text/sms "GOLDBERG", this is in the line of a cryptic clue, without time or nothing. Just a bit of fun to add to the routine messages.
Needless to say he arrives 30minutes later at Woking, with no taxi, in the form of Ria to pick hIm up.
He has to phone her on his IPHONE at great expense and ask? where the hell are you- I am at Woking, did you not get my text/sms THAT I AM ON THE 5:15.
Ria replies, - I got a stupid word of "GOLDBERG" and for the life of me, could not work out what it meant or what you were saying - I immediately thought you had gone for DRINKS with the lads.
Well, I explained my text/message of GOLDBERG and she said to me - ESKOM bent your mind and you are just like your wierd FATHER. I tried my best to convince her what the cryptic message meant, - to no avail.
Well the challenge was on, I said- if I send the same text to the kids, they will know exactly what it means - on the 5:15 TRAIN, she said DO IT, so I did, expecting a 100% positive response from LEON-ELIZMA-TANIA-ANDY and even LIAM.
To Ria's pleasant and sarcastic remarks, none of my beloved children responded in my favour but had some nasty things to say to me about my sense of humour.
I had to explain my cryptic clue as follows -
GOLDBERG = WHOOPIE = YIPPIE = 5:15 TRAIN - job done and dusted, I will be at Woking at 5:45 - YIPPIE, Early home and effort was made to make the early train.
So I had to take this further and state my case of intelligence and rationality thinking by the following statement.
If I could send a text/sms to my DAD ( Hi Old Man) right now and send him one word "GOLDBERG" he would text me back and say.......... without a doubt...........
WELL DONE SON, you are on the 5:15 train home and will be in Woking at 5:45.
I SAID " WAIT FOR IT" the punch line is coming
WAIT FOR IT<<<<<<<<>
WAIT FOR IT-------
Grand Dad would not have said " you are on the 5:15" he would have said............. in his text/sms --------- wait for it ----- it is well worth the wait ---------------
I had to share that with the world and all of you......