Normally one would read the news from page 1 to the end, But here on the 8cowlesblog we read from the "BACK PAGE" backwards to the front page, the sports are so much more interesting.
Here is Carol and Paul, looking at the blog with keen interest!
Oh! PA - what big eyes you have got
18th JULY 2010
Frank and Charnelle have popped into the UK for a small visit and for Frank it's work, at the Farnborough Air Show. We all got together at Leon & Elizma's house for a Sunday afternoon braai. Shaun pitched up as well as Tania and Andy. We caught up on some old family history and had some good belly-laughs. The Macarena was the hi-lite of the afternoon and it brought the house down. I must say it was a bit of a shame to take the Mickey out of THE EDITOR, but he has broad shoulders and will continue to amuse the family on the blog - come what may.
You send in the material and the EDITOR will mess with it for sure. before it gets published.
Well here are two videos, 1st of the Afternoon Braai and the 2nd is the FAMOUS BILLYREENA.
Please take note that all the dancers taking part must
World Cup Soccer and some very interesting news
on the "Special Olympics"

Monica, the only other one apart from our Kevin in South Africa. If you were watching the news last night on TV you would have seen the ‘Special Olympics’ soccer game, well a snippet of it. Jacob Zuma and Mathews Phosa where there as Debbie is part of the organization team that organizes events like these. Debbie flew to Cape Town on Wednesday for the special soccer game. The teams come from all over the world and consists of mainly mentally retarded people or physical disability that still allows them to take part in events like these. The Special Olympics head office is in America, Debbie liaises with them months before each event as it takes a tremendous amount of organizational skills. Being part of the Special Olympics and other events for the mentally retarded is a part of Debbie’s job that she absolutely loves. There is a Special Olympics office in Johannesburg that has people working there that do only that as their job. I am very proud to say that Debbie co-ordinates the Johannesburg office with the American Office and together with one other woman they make sure it all comes together in the end. Next year the Special Olympics will be held in Greece so Debbie is very excited about that. I will ask Debbie to put some photographs on the BLOG of the Soccer game played yesterday and another today.
Here are some Photos of the Whitaker clan at the Nelspruit Stadium during the World Cup
Mr Editor you asked for news so that’s my fair share…CAROL
The Burnett's and the Ritchie's, Catherine (Molly Moo), did enjoy it after all, go off to the world cup match in 'Jozi'!! For those that are not in the know, Jozi is South Africa's slang for Johannesburg. Then included in these photographs, Tam and Kay came to stay with us for a few days and went to watch one of the games held in Nelspruit at our beautiful, awesome, Giraffe
like stadium. Bafana Bafana was out so 'The Down Unders' will be pleased to see that they each painted the others face and supported Australia. To finish off our world cup news and photographs Tam and Kay went to the local Fan Park held at Bergvlam School to watch a few of the matches on the big screens and blow their 'pupazelas' - yes that's what the team from Chile,
staying in White River, called the vuvazela's. I might add that Nelspruit/White River and surrounding areas in Mbombela Municipality have benefited greatly from the infrastructure and the beautiful 3, plus some 4, lane roads. Everyone agrees that the disruption and long wait has been well worth it. Proudly South African!