Wednesday, 15 September 2010

A first on the blog -WOW - Sponsorship is now closed

At £28-00  it looks like the socks, post and package is all covered, so now it is upto to the EDITOR to get going and get the job done.

Tonight the editor got a skype call from one off his nephews. This has never happened before. None of the nephews or nieces have phoned into the blog. We had the most amazing conversation. This was Nicholas Baart. He was telling me all about the Premire football league and how he follows it. His mom and dad bought him a Man City jersey over the internet and delivered it to thier house. WOW he is so excited and asked me if it is at all possible to find and get him a pair of Man City socks.

Here is the deal: for every comment recieved to this blog item, the editor will sponser £2-00 towards the purchase and postage of these "SOCKS" so get out your mouse, start clicking and get your friends to comment and sponser this cause. Details and sponsership will be made public right here on the blog.

The Editor

The sponsorship now stands at £20-00 as of 23rd Sept. 2 days to go

put your comment on the blog and not on email to me.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

BUTTERFLY KISSES - 11 September 2010

Many many years ago Tania bought me a CD. Tonight I used that CD as background music to the most fantastic news I have had since Liam was born.
 Andy has proposed and with my permission, as he rightfully did in the old traditional way.
WOW, lets savour the moment and wish them ALL THE BEST.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

The FLAGS a new developement on the blog

Well, now we can all see who visits the blog. I have included some very important data regarding the flags.

Which country is winning, who are the leaders and how many people - AWESOME people, Family and Friends alike visit the blog.

YOU, my reporters around the world are the ARTISTS of the blog, the genius behind the scenes. I am only the EDITOR, dependant on your emails, photo's, video's and the news of your Family and Friends to share with all of us for years to come.

Have a look at the last week - bloody amazing. One thing, The UK- Union Jack does look far above but that's because I push the counter up every time I log on.  The thing is the UNIQUE visitor count. No mater how many times YOU log on, it counts, but you only become 1 unique visitor.

Makes me - THE EDITOR feel fantastic to look at these flags - WOW

check out the stats below.

Have fun - I am - lets have that news items for THE 8COWLES BLOG

or has anybody got a new name for the blog, lets have your thoughts........