Hello Family, I am waving to you from my nest, I am growing by the day, My mommy is feeding me well and now I am well past half way, all going well I should arrive round about the 26th MAY 2008. Hey did you check out my NOSE, now if that's not proof that I am a COWLE then nothing else will do the trick. Ok I think I am going to catch some sleep now, there is no TV or play-stations in this place. Remember the date we have, and you are all invited to the party. What a bash that's going to be. OuPa Bill and OuMa Ria are expected to have smiles that go right around there faces - round the ears and back round the other side. You should actually check them out now, they are so excited they cant even fit through the door with those broad shoulders they have. Seems I am going to make quite and entrance or should I say exit from this temporary accommodation, mind you it is getting a bit cramped in here as a grow daily. Yawn_Yawn, OK cheers for now, see you after the next scan. Good night Mom "E" and Dad "L" and lots of love to the family. ME
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