Tessy asks,,,,, Billy is there a way you can put Carols photo of long ago with the latest photo u have and the same with Molly. I think you know what I mean. That would be quite interesting.
Love Tessy .... so here it is..........Job, Done and Dusted
THE TWO OLDEST - YOUNGEST LADIES IN THE FAMILY, NOW FOR THOSE WHO NEVER SAW OR CANT REMEMBER OUR GRANNY - "NANNY ALLCOCK" Molly and Carol as little girls used to spend hours combing and brushing her long long hair down her back to her waist line. There is a picture of her way down on the bottom of the blog somewhere. She would sit for hours while the two sisters entertained themselves brushing, platting and turning it in a "BUN". Guess that takes both of you back down memory lane or what..........1950 or something like that. For those not in the same age group or so old, the 1950's were more than 50 years ago, just before the SIXTIES...................
and they will end up looking like this, only the photo might be in colour
Love Tessy .... so here it is..........Job, Done and Dusted
THE TWO OLDEST - YOUNGEST LADIES IN THE FAMILY, NOW FOR THOSE WHO NEVER SAW OR CANT REMEMBER OUR GRANNY - "NANNY ALLCOCK" Molly and Carol as little girls used to spend hours combing and brushing her long long hair down her back to her waist line. There is a picture of her way down on the bottom of the blog somewhere. She would sit for hours while the two sisters entertained themselves brushing, platting and turning it in a "BUN". Guess that takes both of you back down memory lane or what..........1950 or something like that. For those not in the same age group or so old, the 1950's were more than 50 years ago, just before the SIXTIES...................

Well you asked for a picture - just had my haircut!! I am sure the camera has added in some wrinkles!!! Love you all ..........Molly
Hey, I need a photograph back of each of you....some of you I haven't seen in years and some I have never met!! How about a photograph?? Come on......CAROL

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