Monday, 16 June 2008

They do it "THEIR WAY" down under

You may all say we have seen it all but you have not seen it all until you see Biltong being made Down Under. Yes every winter we make the best biltong !!!Love Tessy
Jean-Pierre all decked out and ready to do a tower clean (I might have that a bit wrong but that's what I think it is called) then along came the weekend and him and a few of his mates went for a relaxing weekend camping and fishing fresh water. The first fish caught was undersize so back it went to grow a few more inches. All up they had a great time and caught a few really good sized Bass.
For more fishing photos just CLICK HERE. Now that we have SEEN IT ALL, the Bechards down Under have shown us that the can Water Ski, fish, play golf, cook, farm in the garden, make biltong, have weddings, relax, have parties and many other things, ALL THEY HAVE TO DO NOW IS TRY TO MAKE SOME DECENT RUGBY UNION AND CRICKET PLAYERS.

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