Sunday, 31 August 2008

all grown up 14 yrs old and another GOLFER

Now here is a young lady better known as the HURRICANE , well she will definitely be blowing in a storm with the young lads, and what will dad say when they knock on the front door. Tessy and Mitch are so proud of this one, that it will take some beating. 14 years old or should that be young.

Now its not so good, another good man bits the dust, JP joins those other people who don't know how to work, Golf - the gods must be crazy, but it is amazing that we now have a few of these aliens in the family, Mitch, Molly, Franky, the two Paul's, Adrian, Shaun, and Allan has tried it, maybe a few others,......... shame BLESS them .... nothing else to say.

September Birthdays 4 the 8COWLES

Yes September month, the most beautiful month of the year, is spring in SA, Autumn in the UK, Spring Down under, and hurricane time in South USA, we join hands in wishing the folks of New Orleans and surrounding area's all the best and may the impact of the storm bring Sunny days and new horizons for all.

Here are the birthday dates..................................................

Kathryn Bart- Monica & Kevin 9 September 1995, South Africa
Kirstyn Cowle - Franky & Charnelle 15 September 1987 - 21 America
Billy Cowle - Molly & Bill Cowle 23 September 1949 - 59 UK
Nicholas Bart - Monica & Kevin 27 September 2008 , South Africa
Sandra Stapelberg - Carol & Paul 29 September 1970 - 38, Australia

Kirstyn is 21- what a birthday it is for her - congrats for THECOWLES in TEXAS

Monday, 25 August 2008

The UK-Cowle Family

Elizma organised it- We all got together at a photographers studio and had a family portrait photo plus others taken and this is the result .
Isn't he just to cute, Liam that is

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Anybody for a hair-cut. COME DOWN_UNDER

Wow !! is there anything I wont try to do - even trying to cut the poor ears off, who happen to have to listen to the gramophone needle. Lots of luv to you all from TESSY & MITCH.

And those woman with bald husbands moan - WHY
At least he is not crying out in pain.
They say the only thing between a good or a bad hair-cut is 2 weeks, it all grows back and needs cutting again. They also say if you wash your hair in Klippies & Coke it comes out "CUT"
sent in by Tessy 20th August 2008

Sunday, 10 August 2008

It's all happening DOWN UNDER

Daryll's Daughter Rebecca
with her new born son Mason.Congratulations Rebecca and Tim.

Tessy with another achievement, although this one was automatic from Baidy and Daryll.
Tessy & Mitch became an instant Great Great Mother/Father
by the birth of this little bundle of joy.

Tessy & Mitch

Grandies or Cousins or is that Both

Can you believe this...I called them cousins first then realized NO, Debbie is Katherine and Nicholas's cousin. So now we have these three beauties...Kayla, Kate, Tamryn! Kayla and Tamryn are my grandies and Kate is my niece

Then more confusion when Nicholas comes on the scene. He is my nephew, not Kayla and Tamryn's cousin. This is beginning to sound likeone of those riddles...if John has four brothers and two sisters and Johns father is not the sisters fathers mothers who is the Uncle!! Get my drift.
Monica and I sat up till nearly 1am chatting away about family, we laughed and laughed and when we started to laugh and cry I thought right it's now bedtime for us, it was only then we realized it was almost 1am. What a great time we had and so much we squeezed into an afternoon, an evening and a morning before the Baart's left and arrived home safely.

Then we have these plans..........................................
Next weekend Paul and I are off to Johannesburg to stay with The Ritchie's as Paul is going to the Boat Show. I will take some photographs there for the blog. We will go on the Saturday and head home early Sunday morning. Then the last weekend of August. Debbie is taking me up to Jhb to stay with the Ritchie's and we will get together with the Baart's on either Saturday or Sunday...Debbie and Monica are organizing that and then Monday I fly off to Australia.

Now who says life is boring??

23 days to go until all the Kleenex in the world will be needed.My Special Sis - MY best friend will arrive here for a 1 month stay or should I say the most wonderful and lifetime experience of all.I have watched the family Blog and seen Tricia, Franky, Molly, Monica, and Billy also photos of Carol and Franky so between you all you have somehow got to see each other.So now it's my turn and I count the days till Carol arrives and nothing is going to get in my way, or stop me, from holding my arms out for the biggest HUG, any of you will ever see, on her arrival here at Coolangatta Airport on the Gold Coast. SO WATCH for photos and stories that will be cherished for all my days.

Love to all


Friday, 1 August 2008

August Birthdays

Wow, how time flies, here we are about to celebrate the August birthdays, before we know it we will be sitting down to Christmas lunch. Well from the blog may all the August babies have a wonderful day on their birthday and may you all have healthy year ahead of you.

Catherine Ritchie 2 August
Duncan Benstead 6 August
Monica Baart 13 August
Ria Cowle 15 August
Debbie Burnett 25 August