Sunday, 31 August 2008

September Birthdays 4 the 8COWLES

Yes September month, the most beautiful month of the year, is spring in SA, Autumn in the UK, Spring Down under, and hurricane time in South USA, we join hands in wishing the folks of New Orleans and surrounding area's all the best and may the impact of the storm bring Sunny days and new horizons for all.

Here are the birthday dates..................................................

Kathryn Bart- Monica & Kevin 9 September 1995, South Africa
Kirstyn Cowle - Franky & Charnelle 15 September 1987 - 21 America
Billy Cowle - Molly & Bill Cowle 23 September 1949 - 59 UK
Nicholas Bart - Monica & Kevin 27 September 2008 , South Africa
Sandra Stapelberg - Carol & Paul 29 September 1970 - 38, Australia

Kirstyn is 21- what a birthday it is for her - congrats for THECOWLES in TEXAS

1 comment:


Bb I imagine we are all waiting for 2009 A special 30th and a WOW 60th. Make it a big one Bb.
Luvyalotsa. But for 2008 23rd Sept HAPPY 59th