When GOD was busy with the creation and making the universe with the trees, the sea, the mountains and all the animals, as he made them he thought of a name for each one, but he was very busy and early on he forgot to name one of his creations. While he was busy with this mammoth task he noticed this little animal always walking behind or next to him with his wagging tail. Any way he continued on with the creation and all the way was this animal with him. When he was finished he bent down and picked up the little fellow and said so tell me WHAT is your name. The little fellow just wagged his tail and licked GOD all over his face with LOVE AND JOY. as There was no answer in speech from the question, God had noticed this fellow all the time at his side 24/7. he then said " ok fella- as you were with me all the time and watching over me I WILL NAME YOU AFTER MYSELF but spell it backwards because you are the most amazing animal and are dedicated to showing LOVE - AFFECTION & JOY to all who meet you.
So GOD named him DOG
Dedicated to the loss of their wonder full pet down-under - The Bechards will miss CLOE who sadly passed away the other day.
Carol added ---------- Moni and Duncan and all the Bechard family...so sorry to read about Cloe
so thought I would share Snowy with you. I took these today 02/11/2008 ...Love Carol
Carol added ---------- Moni and Duncan and all the Bechard family...so sorry to read about Cloe
so thought I would share Snowy with you. I took these today 02/11/2008 ...Love Carol
Moni and all the bechard's...I am so sorry little Cloe has gone to Doggy heaven...sometimes we have to make decisions that are cruel to be kind and this is one of them...one of life's lessons I suppose. We all get so attached to our animals, and dogs are so human, so loyal, so loving. I never met Cloe but she sure looks a cutie...Love and a prayer...Carol
Thanks Carol.
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