Monday, 8 December 2008

Building the memories - the betamax machines

Hi to everyone, great to see you back and looking at the blog once again.

it has been quite an eventful year and I had such a fabulous time building up the memories and reading your comments and emails, we will just have to wait and see next year when Mitch turns "64", now that will be an event. Now all the time spent doing this has been more exciting for me than it has been for you reading and watching them, but below is a video that was extremely exciting and challenging for me. There is a web-site called and it is basically an electronic auction site where you place a bid on an item, there are literally millions of items from a elephant to a half smoked cigarette. Well over the last year I have been bidding on Betamax video machines and have won quite a few but seem to have lost the good ones, but when I get them, Oh no, they don't work. One will have sound but no picture, and another no sound but picture, others eat up the video tape and so on............

Now I have had 6 of them but not one works, ranging from £10-00 to £60-00. So off with the covers and out with the tools, I test left right and center, this head, that motor, this loading mechanism, and realise that if I put all these parts into one machine it should work. WOW you have seen the results, IT WORKS. Then at the end of the video below, I have given you a peak of the 8COWLES VIDEO STUDIO and store of tapes, so enough waffling, I must get busy to transfer some more tapes from the old beta and VHS tapes to Digital media on my PC, just love it..... cheers

just hope that it works - WOW - YIPPIE

1 comment:


Liam you have a very clever Oupa, and your Oupa and Ouma are giving all of us and especially you and our grandchildren memories that will live on forever. Thanks Oupa Billy