Friday, 20 February 2009

20th February - The 8 O'clock news

Well the news bulletin this week is short and sweet as not much has been happening in the family, WHAT A BORING LOT we all are.

Tania returned from her trip to Dubai and had a whale of a time and I am sure you have all been to her blog to see the amazing time she had. This Saturday we are, That's Ria & I, Leon & Elizma and of course Tania going out to dinner at some Italian restaurant in Guildford - chosen by L & E as they have been there numerous times - reports from them have been very good so we will report back later.

Debbie is back from the Ski trip in the states and we await those promised photo's.

Now for the big one, Molly, Carol & Tricia will be getting together at Monica's place in Jo'burg for a mini get-to-gether and here are the arrangements, hot of the press as reported by a reporter from Nelspruit.

The BLOG has been a bit quiet of late…not for much longer though. ‘tis not often an event such as this one comes to town…4 sisters out of us 5 sisters will be getting together tomorrow at Monica and Kevin’s. Yes, Molly, Carol, Tricia and Monica. When last did this happen? When we ALL got together at Angela’s old house. I am so excited. Debbie, the girls and I will leave Nelspruit early tomorrow morning and hit Monica’s place as soon as we can. Of course Debbie and girls and Angela and Mark and children and I am sure Anne and Piet and family will also be there, plus I don’t know who else. Rest assured the blog is going to be overloaded with photographs and stories, stories and more stories. Tessy you wont be left out of the 5 sisters I will have a coke for you and we will all be together in spirit. Now isn’t this exciting!!


All the march birthdays- don't forget to send in your newest photo for the Birthday block to

all have a cracker from the EDITOR - till next time.........................................

1 comment:


Sorry 4 out of 5 just aint good enough for me it should have been 5out of 5.Kleenex. BUT I am always thankfull for Mitch sending me to SA in 2001 when 8 out of 8 was FANTASTIC. That will always remain foremost for me thats the last time, I believe, that the 8 cowles were together and will never be together again. In photos that is. We I do know are always in each others thoughts and prayers