Saturday, 30 January 2010

AND THE WINNER IS ..................................


Mitch is doing well with his golf and gets his name in the paper quite often I am attaching a results page from last Sunday morning newspaper, where he won some sort of points for winning something on the day, chasing a little white ball. See how much I know !!
You would have to blow this up a bit. Under Corinda you will see ..................

Division 1 - A Grade - M. Bechard

anybody for a 4 ball - I will meet you at the 19th.


Carol & Paul said...

Well done Mitch! Amazing what some people will do to get their names in print...even play with little white balls!! My son also has this strange affection for hitting that little white ball into a hole not much bigger. Do you also hit the ball then walk or get in a little cart, and follow the direction the ball took and then get out of cart and hit the little white ball again? and again for 18 holes? AHA I see it's ALL to get to the 19th hole, THAT's where the fun is to bed had! NOW I understand the whole game.
Jokes aside Mitch - well done and enjoy, keep your name in print.

Basil said...
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BILL and RIA said...

Hi Basil, I hope you have read my blog posting on your rediculas scam of free advertising prank.

Carol said...

Basil, you are obviously a failure in life if you have to use other families blogs to get some free advertising! Shame...can't you even afford your own web page? Remember one thing...what goes around comes around and the big wheel turns. Take your garbage elsewhere because we don't need this kind of trash on our family website