Friday, 22 January 2010


Sandra and James play host to Debbie and the two girls on a visit over to Australia. The Bechards joined them for lunch one day at a place in the middle of where everybody stayed. Tessy, googled it and all was arranged, so it was about 1/2hr travelling for everybody, it looks like they had a whale of a time.

I believe there are lots more photo's to come. These came from Tessy, as for Debbie who moved to Jo-burg just 1 week before going down-under has gigabits of photo's , but on her return has a whole house to unpack. So watch this space, as soon as they arrive in the Editors inbox, they will be posted right here on the 8cowles blog.

It is strange, when one looks at group photo,s like this, and then tries and work out the family structure, me I'm to old for this, so Tessy has gone and put it into perspective for us.

Monique's cousins are Sandra and Debbie and not their children. Monique and us have seen
Sandra almost ever year for a few years now. Until they moved here Sandra used to come here
for business and we would catch up with her. Debbie and Monique had not seen each other, except in photos on the net and the 8cowles blog, for 22 years. Just like Leon and Monique. So this was quite a historic visit, not only for Monique but for Debbie and the girls.




Fabulous company, fantastic get together, great food. Loved it


The new revised edition is fantastic and brought out the KLEENEX - Thank you to the Editor.

Carol said...

Awesome! Strange looking at my 'kids' in Australia!! A Question to the editor ...Where do you get all the awesome, amazing music from?
Debbie and the girls had the time of their lives during their stay down under. They sure enjoyed the family get together with the Bechard's and Debbie catching up with Monique from where they left off on facebook. Small World out there.

You amaze me every time Mr (Sir) Editor.