Sunday, 28 February 2010

Times Square - The Cowle Cuzzies on the WEBCAM


Cheane, Kirsten, Michael, Tania and Andy

It was 25th February 2010, and they all got together for Cheane's 25th birthday party. They went down town New York and stood in front of one of the many street web cams. Not the best quality, but it is an historic occasions, and sorry no sound, but it is LIVE.
You can log onto these web-cams on the Internet and watch the people in the street. It was all organised what time they would stand there and wave at us.
There were quite a few of us watching live on the net as it happened, so for those that missed it - here it is. Tania and Andy fly back on Monday 1st March and I am sure there will be plenty of photo's to down load onto he own blog as well as the 8cowles blog, so keep clicking........

If you fancy a look at the street LIVE in Times Square - New York just click right here

While they were there, apart from the all night party, they got together the night before for a BRAAI in NEW YORK click here.................. for a look at the venue, if you are ever in new York and feel home sick for a good old BRAAI.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

One hell of a Town - NEW YORK _ NEW YORK

2010 - 25th February and its party time.

Tania & Andy flew out of Heathrow airport this morning 20/2/2010 and on their way to Washington DC for a couple of days, then catching the train to NEW YORK on Wednesday.

This is the first time Andy will be meeting one of the 8COWLES family in the form of THECOWLES,so here is a special request via the blog from the editor.

We all know Tania tooooooooooooo well, a party freak to say the least, but Andy is a very level headed lad, likes to be in bed by 10pm, he does not drink beer or any other form of liquid refreshment except orange juice. He is totally mad about salads and if he has a steak it is normally a very small piece.

Having said that, could THECOWLES please put their best foot forward, dress very conservatively, no jeans, preferable collar and tie where applicable. No late parties etc as this may cause Andy to get the wrong impression of the COWLE CLAN.

YEAH and I am a Monk in a monastery in the mountains, cut off from the rest of the world.

TANIA - ANDY - CHEANE and everybody else, we hope you have a cracker of a party and go right through the night & see the sunrise in NEW YORK


Monday, 15 February 2010

There is a wedding coming up in UTAH _ USA

Well here is the chain of THE WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS, Molly must really get organised or is it just old age catching up - after all the turmoil, and the typing of emails, lets have a big family drive and make her the proudest oldest of the 8 of us................ The last email is the one that you must really read.............

No 1.......
Yes, it's actually happening!!! Adrian and Lisa are getting married on the 3rd April 2010. The wedding will be a no fuss affair, just under a tree in the middle of the Luangwa Valley no long white wedding dress, no three tiered cake, just everyone in safaris clothes!!! No hats unless its a safari hat!! No fancy expensive invites - this is it. Lisa is so the right person for Adrian!!!
You are all invited!!! Trish, I do not have Megs address so will leave you to let her know.
I know its expensive to get here and I understand if you cannot make it but I would love to see you all. If you are thinking of coming, I can let you know by email what you would be in for financially when you get to Zambia so that perhaps you can all start saving. Tessy, perhaps Monique and her darling could come from down under as I know you could not make the journey, you will be with us in spirit and prayers. (Have I forgotten anyone???)
Well this is just the first email I am sending out about this exciting event, it will be a small wedding, that is depending on how many of my darling family can be here, around 30 people that's all. The date has been fixed to tie in with Tori's spring break so that she can be here.
Lotsa love and thoughts
No 2
Hi All,
Just to let you all know that the Wedding planned for April has been postponed to June/July. I am sorry to let you know this but there is nothing we can do about it. I hope now we have put it forward to June/July perhaps a few more of you can consider making a holiday to Zambia in June/July. Once the date has been fixed we can let you all know.
lotsa love
No 3
Dear All,
I sent you all an email telling you Adrian and Lisa were getting married in April in Zambia, then I sent an email to say they were not getting married in Zambia, now I am sending you an email to say that they are getting married on the 26th June in Park City Utah USA. I would be honoured if any of our family could make the celebrations - so it's not going to be a safari wedding but it will still be beautiful in Park City.
Let me know if you or any of your family are able or unable to travel so we can make plans for accommodation.
My love to you all this valentines day

No 4
Please can you do me a favour and forward my email to all your kids, who are in fact Adrian's Cousins so that they can also see if they would like to come across to America to Adrian and Lisa's wedding. (Two of them live in American anyway) I was going to send it to them myself but I am sure I would leave someone out and then would feel bad. Perhaps we can make it a huge family re-union -
Adrian did say he wanted a small wedding but then again he has a mother who is the eldest of 8!!!
Much love Molly
So JUNE 26th 2010 it is --in PARK CITY - UTAH - USA
for anybody who doesn't know where that is - it is just north of MEXICO

While the snow in the UK and USA is keeping everyone indoors and the cold getting to the bones, Megan is enjoying the snow at Ski Dubai. Hard to believe she is in the sand pit with temps pretty chilly for winter with lows of 18 and highs of 28 (outside Ski Dubai)

Oh well, there is a saying that goes " THE CAMERA NEVER LIES" so we have to beleive it

Let me be your HERO - in your Soul tonight

YOU might say "What a strange heading", but then again, if we look a bit deeper, we would ask, WILL YOU BE MY HERO, from the 90+ down to the young, Would you cry for me, would you run for me, the young are the ones that must run and the old are the ones that must cry. Why..... because, as we get old we look to the young for strength. A little girl of 5 once said, I would rather go shopping with GrandMa than Mommy, because GrandMa walks slowly like me................
GrandMa is the little girls HERO.... This is what a Family bond is all about - when we have trials and tribulations, or something truly to celebrate, who better than with family. The institute of "A FAMILY" brings generations together around a table, holding hands and chatting - Young and OLD with a common voice and common cause.
While I was putting this picture collage together, I was thinking about the steel trunk under the bed of hundreds of photos, now we have CD's full and hard drives full of digital photos, looking through we say - REMEMBER THIS or THAT - wow we were so young - etc etc etc.
BUT - chuck some photo's together on a blog - add a music track ( but you have to choose the right one) and you get a complete different sense of LOVE and belonging, a True feeling of togetherness and feel the deep inner feeling of what we are and where we belong.
Sit back and enjoy this wonderful thing we all long for and love - its keeps us alive
Here's to the BECHARDS from OUPA & OUMA 90+ down to the youth and young and a wind blowing through our hair even if it is a HURRICANE .
Mitch and Tessy this makes us all proud of you.
but what the hell - You are FAMILY that's what really counts,
even if you are 1000000miles away.

Dedicated to " FAMILY LOVE"

"Would You Cry for me - you are in my SOUL TONIGHT"

Friday, 12 February 2010

VALENTINES DAY 14th Feb 2010

From Me to YOU & You to me, us to them, sister to brother, mom to dad, daughter to mom, dad to son, niece to nephew, ouma to grandie, grandie to oupa, the list is endless into eternity.

For each one of us this is a special day for each one of YOU
For this special week-end, the Editor's PC randomly selected some photos and placed them to the back ground music
especially for
all of
all of
who looks at the
Family to Family
Friend to Friend

Monday, 8 February 2010

one of the special Birthdays this year

The Blog presents
Miss Cheane Cowle
25 February 1985 - 2010

It is all about 25 ............. 25 February and 25 means GOLDEN and she is 25 on this day, What a celebration this will be. We cant wait to see all the photos and the videos, The first BIG birthday of the year on the BLOG.
Although the Editor must say all birthdays are special.
This year we have some big ones, watch this space.
Someone is going to celebrate in style for this one on the 25th. NEW YORK one hell of a town NEW YORK - NEW YORK..............

lets all join hand and TOAST

Happy Birthday for the 25 February 2010