Saturday, 20 February 2010

One hell of a Town - NEW YORK _ NEW YORK

2010 - 25th February and its party time.

Tania & Andy flew out of Heathrow airport this morning 20/2/2010 and on their way to Washington DC for a couple of days, then catching the train to NEW YORK on Wednesday.

This is the first time Andy will be meeting one of the 8COWLES family in the form of THECOWLES,so here is a special request via the blog from the editor.

We all know Tania tooooooooooooo well, a party freak to say the least, but Andy is a very level headed lad, likes to be in bed by 10pm, he does not drink beer or any other form of liquid refreshment except orange juice. He is totally mad about salads and if he has a steak it is normally a very small piece.

Having said that, could THECOWLES please put their best foot forward, dress very conservatively, no jeans, preferable collar and tie where applicable. No late parties etc as this may cause Andy to get the wrong impression of the COWLE CLAN.

YEAH and I am a Monk in a monastery in the mountains, cut off from the rest of the world.

TANIA - ANDY - CHEANE and everybody else, we hope you have a cracker of a party and go right through the night & see the sunrise in NEW YORK


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