Gravy, yes the gravy, I can remember when Nanna, that is Mom Cowle's mom - Nanna Allcock used to call Molly and Carol or was it Billy & Tessy - The Bisto Kids, wow, now my memory is getting old and fading - Oh! how I miss my mind.... or was it the BISTO TWINS, I am talking about the two kids on the tin of Bisto gravy powder. Who remembers that...........
If we look back over time we get all sorts of TWIN comparisons, Tarzan & Jane, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Franky & Sammy Davey jnr, Rogers & Hammerstein, Elvis and Jail House Rock, Cliff and the Shadows, Michael Jackson & Thriller, Tom & Jerry, Laurel & Hardy, Julie Andrews & Sound of Music, Yul Brunner & the King and I, The Wright Brothers and aeroplanes, Niel Armstrong & the Moon .......the list is endless....... these are all inseparable Twins and they have all stood the test of time, just like the Blue Bulls and the Curry CUP. Now we are in real time looking at reality what do we get.....................................
Two young ladies who are born a little bit of a year apart BUT for two weeks of any given year since they were both born THEY ARE TWINS, yes twins, twins are the same age and here we have these two young ladies who are TWINS for two weeks only.
Any guesses, well here it is, They are Monique and Bernadette Bechard - Conlon, two inseparable sisters one born on the 7th and the other on the 21st of March and between these two dates they are the same age - 2010 both 38years old. NOW HOWS THAT for a blog item and from a Mom and Dad that wish them everything of the best of the best.

More then just sisters - twins for 2 weeks.
Bernadette will be 38 on Sunday 7th March and Monique will
only turn 39 on the 21st March, so they have always been
twins for 2 weeks.
Happy Birthday My Baidy Boom LOL Da Mummy and Dad