One of the blog world wide reporters was just looking through his/her photos and thought you might like to see your brothers and sisters again when they had no grey hair.

For those of you who don't recognise anybody - from left to right
Bottom row - Patricia, Kevin, Monica
Middle row -Tessy, Carol, Molly
At the back - Franky and Billy
Now lets have some comments, who sent it in, where was it taken and what year????.
The reporter who sent it in, must stay silent for a while and the Editor will reveal all.
Who :'The reporter must stay silent' ..... mmmm well that will be hard for her :o ) must be Tessy
Where: looks like Grandads house before the pool
Year: A LONG time ago :o ) im guessing around 83/84 Aunty Monica looks like she is about 15/16
:o )
I can't Remember the year but I do know it was the start of a New year when we flew in just for the day! Tricia had something to do with the booking of us getting there. I know I had had an afro hairstyle done to go to Mauritius before this was taken. Hey...I may have lots of grey hair now but I still feel as young as ever. It is said inside every older woman is the heart of a younger girl! Very true. To all of you, have a great day...memories are made of this!
Dec 1978
24 Virtop rd
South Africa
Team work makes the dream work!!
ok lets see 1978 that's 32 years ago and a lot has happened to us all since then. I leave it to each one of you to add the changes that have come about in your and your family's lives.
Tessy: January 1987 Mitch, Tessy, Monique, Bernadette and Jean-Pierre Bechard moved to Australia.
December 2001 Tessy visited South Africa and met up with the Big 8 - probably the last time the entire 8 would ever be together again. Said my final farewell to Daddy and came home to Australia. January 2004 Tessy had a fall and sadly broke her neck and as a result became a quadriplegic. This resulted in major changes to all our lives, most of which can now be researched on the Family Blog.
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