Pappi Bechard
Yes Mitch's dad, turned 91, now that is some achievement and the 8cowles blog send out a loud cheer of
" For he's a JOLLY GOOD FELLOW" & so say all of us.
Joyeux anniversaire
" For he's a JOLLY GOOD FELLOW" & so say all of us.
Joyeux anniversaire
Bon anniversaire, nos vœux les plus sincères
Que ces quelques fleurs vous apportent le bonheur
Que l'année entière vous soit douce et légère
Et que l'an fini, nous soyons tous réunis
Pour chanter en chœur : "Bon Anniversaire !"
Que ces quelques fleurs vous apportent le bonheur
Que l'année entière vous soit douce et légère
Et que l'an fini, nous soyons tous réunis
Pour chanter en chœur : "Bon Anniversaire !"
Although he is not "Cowle" family as such, He, is I think the oldest remaining relation.
My father in law, Pappi Bechard, born 1919, turns 91 on the 29th June 2010
Wow look at the 3 - 91's in that 1919 and 91
Father to Joseph Henri Michel (Mic) Bechard
Pappi (father in law) to Teresa / Tessy Bechard
Grandpere to Genevieve Michelle Monique Bechard,
Grandpere to Mary Teresa Bernadette Conlon
Grandpere to Joseph Henri Jean - Pierre Bechard
Great Grandpere to Jessica Michelle Morgan
Best wishes - Mes/Nos meilleurs vœux
I want to know Mr. Bechards secret to such wonderful skin. Wow, he looks great for his age and am sure I have more 'laughter' lines than he has. We salute you Mr. Bechard and ask God to bless the year ahead till the next birthday.
Best wishes ang love from the Whitaker Family and all it's extensions.
Billy, on behalf of the Bechard Family I thank you for all your wonderful work you do on the blog and especially this tribute to our Dads 91st.
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