Thursday, 8 July 2010

its finally here - well almost 10 past 8 on 9 July 2010

I am sure you have all had and heard the Apple hype of the IPHONE - 3G, 3GS, I4 and IPAD, well here is the 8C-PAD, and for all of you its free- just down load it and watch it - For free - right here on the 8Cowles Blog - JUST FOR YOU ALL.

The 5-past 8 news to follow............... at 10 past 8.........


Carol said...

Um am I the only doff one here? Where is the news? Where do I download the 8C PAD? Was that just a preview of what is to come with the new effects for the 8 o'clock news? It looks different, exciting and a lot of effort has obviously gone into this edition...please let me know what to do and how to do it if I must download something to watch the 8 o'clock news? Yours in anticipation and expectation and excitement at what's coming...Carol (The Stapelbergs have arrived, the rest of the family arrive today then the cameras and videos will be clicking away so as Billy says...Watch this space).


Bb somehow u seem to bring out a very emotional side of me, never mind a tear drop or 2 never hurt anyone. luv ya


Sis what did u think of my Bb's friend in his pocket? Great stuff.