Wednesday, 15 September 2010

A first on the blog -WOW - Sponsorship is now closed

At £28-00  it looks like the socks, post and package is all covered, so now it is upto to the EDITOR to get going and get the job done.

Tonight the editor got a skype call from one off his nephews. This has never happened before. None of the nephews or nieces have phoned into the blog. We had the most amazing conversation. This was Nicholas Baart. He was telling me all about the Premire football league and how he follows it. His mom and dad bought him a Man City jersey over the internet and delivered it to thier house. WOW he is so excited and asked me if it is at all possible to find and get him a pair of Man City socks.

Here is the deal: for every comment recieved to this blog item, the editor will sponser £2-00 towards the purchase and postage of these "SOCKS" so get out your mouse, start clicking and get your friends to comment and sponser this cause. Details and sponsership will be made public right here on the blog.

The Editor

The sponsorship now stands at £20-00 as of 23rd Sept. 2 days to go

put your comment on the blog and not on email to me.


Carol & Paul said...

Sock it to them Nicholas!! It's Paul's favourtie soccer team too!

Unknown said...

Ask Nicholas who setup the Skype!

Anonymous said...

Blue is my favourite colour :o ). Your not to far off the top of the ladder either - Good luck this weekend

Mitch Bechard said...

Go MAN.....Chester not Chelsea

Mitch Bechard said...

Aunty Tessy's Broom only flies to Manchester never to chelsea.


Great stuff Billy. Good luck Nicholas, I am sure you will be seeing those socks soon.

Mitch Bechard said...

I once got lost in Chelsea, but ended up in Manchester. Hee..Haa..!!

Mitch Bechard said...



Congrats to all who sponsored Socks for Nicholas and a HUGE thank you to the Editor for raising the 28-00 pounds.