A family blog, to showcase the FAMILY and all its extensions around the world - Zambia, South Africa, Australia, America, The Emmirates and England. Wadey, Whitaker, Cowle, Bechard, Cooper, The Cowle's, Baart, Burnett, Ritchie, Stapelberg, Conlon and Mitchell - with all the off-spring, Grand kids and Great Grand kids.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Scotland 21-17 to SA in the rain and cold - what a week-end
The Scots - John (Andy's Dad), Duncan and Lucy (Andy's Brother) Leon, Me and oh yes Tania and Andy went to watch the Springboks kick some Scottish butt, - but the Ref, the wind, the rain, the cold, the lack of skottle braais, kilppies, Nissan Bakkies full of cooler boxes, no sun shine at 28deg was all in Scotland's favour on the day.
The FLOWER OF SCOTLAND was the most amazing, to stand there at the end and listen to the crowd sing was just AWESOME.
This is just a elementary side show, feature of the whole day will be posted on www.billsparky.blogspot.com during the week, then you will see the whole thing done with bells and whistles to mark this humongous and awesome week-end with the Mitchell's in Scotland
And something I have just added today 18/12/2010 - AMAZING GRACE - AWESOME to watch
X Factor here i come lol
what a weekend , thanks every one it was lekker
Frank wish you could have been there
Tania it looks like you made sure it was a lekker weekend to be had by all.
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