It is a very sad day today for me the Editor of the " THE 8COWLES BLOG" and not an easy task to do this typing, but with a sore heart and soul and tears in my eyes this will be a last posting. The blog will remain alive and accessible for family to look back on memories of days gone by. Due to lack of interest and forwarding of events and happings in all our lives, busy as they may be it ( the blog) has reached its sell by date. I see that FACE BOOK has all the news, everybody is posting the whats happening around them and its a fantastic way to stay in contact and spread the news.
Any items that come the EDITORS way will be posted and updated but it seems that these will be few and far between, even the Birthday photo's have faded away.
Love you all toooooooo much and see you on FACE BOOK or when ever you post some thing for the blog.
It has and always will be a pleasure to share your lives and events with all that log onto THE 8COWLES BLOG , a piece of me has just gone by the wayside...............................................................
we were 8 and now we are 7, not withstanding all the extensions - Love to you all.
:o ( sad to see .....Uncle Billy is there a way you can weave your magic and maybe create a '8 cowles face book page' that we all link to ?????
My heart is broken Bb. I lost my best friend (and 1 of us 8 - Carol)and now I loose the family blog. I can understand what you mean. Every one is just tooooooo busy to stop and smell the roses. What a sad day this is for me. I will continue to send my bits 'n pieces to the blog,
Luvya lotsa
Your Sister and friend Tessy
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