Tuesday, 4 November 2008

BONJOIR - said by MITCH in 1984

While I was talking to Tessy the other day, she mentioned the Xmas day at dads place when she asked Mitch to say hello to his Mom & Dad in French, well with Mitch's sense of humour it took a few attempts before he eventually said it "IN FRENCH".

Here I was digging through my old BETAMAX tapes of yester-year ( 1984) and low and behold - there it was...............................

Say "Hello" in FRENCH


Anonymous said...

I remember this day like it was yesterday! Remember the RED verandah floor and the RED verandah steps!! Had to be polished till you could see your face in them. What's that saying? Goes something like this 'Memories linger on.....'?? Billy you may remember it. These video clips are worth a fortune...worth sitting watching them over and over and getting so much pleasure from them. With 8 of 'us' and hours of videos to sift through Paul and I look forward to many more years ahead of video clips bringing back the past, to enjoy now with our families and into the future by all our collective Grandies. How proud I am to be one of 8. Carol


He hasn't changed except in size!
I have passed on the blog site to all Mitch's famuily and they are enjoying these memories, more so as they were not there at the time.
Bb they are very impressed with the Family Blog.
These videos are not only worth a fortune (carols comment) I believe they are priceless.