Just wanted to share a few pictures with you of my beloved and precious family, who not only all year round shower me with love and affection but went completely over the top on my birthday today.

It's just a line to say I'm living and not amongst the dead
But I get oh! so forgetful and mixed up in my head
I've got used to my arthritis and to my dentures I'm resigned
I can manage my bifocals but oh, I miss my mind!
For sometimes I stand at the foot of the stairs
Must I go up for something, or have I come down from there?
And often before the 'fridge my mind is in great doubt
Am I putting the food away or am I taking it out?
So I fit's my turn to write to you, please don't get sore
I may think I've written and don't want to be a bore.
But remember I love you and wish that you were near
And now it's getting near mail time so I must say bye bye dear
And there before the mail box my face so very red
Instead of posting the letter I opened it instead!

Thanks Billy, for the wishes and phone call "Magic"
Love Mitch
OMG I remember Daddy reading that to me over the phone. Great stuff Bb
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