Sunday, 14 December 2008

HAPPY DAYS - Molly turns 60 ** 21-01-2005

This is one that I enjoyed immensely and sharing it brings back some very happy memories, not only Molly's birthday but the trip up north to Zambia. Wish I had a video camera those days.

If we all look back, it started in Newcastle Upon Tyne with Bill & Molly Cowle and then there was Molly and Carol born there. Then the Groot TREK to Africa, stopping over in South Africa - Germiston, Billy joined the club 1949, then off to Swaziland-Bremersdorp, along came Tessy, not long after that we were of to Southern Rhodesia - Bulawayo and Tricia arrived, then we had some more travels ahead of us, Kafue, Gwelo, Wankie, then off to Northern Rhodesia, Broken Hill where Franky was born, then Livingston, Bwana Makubwa and Ndola, Monica joined us here. Maybe I missed a few places, hopefully not any kids, then in 1966 we all, except Molly went back to South Africa, Germiston to 24 Virtop Rd, where Kevin was born.

This trip up north to Molly & Gordon's house in Lusaka- Zambia was a trip down memory lane for me, amazing the feeling was walking around on the soil you grew up on and actually where all of us spent our child hood days - Happy Days- all at once with whooping cough, travelling by train for 7 days to Gennozano on the Natal North coast , Molly and Carol, singing at night the Maro Lanza song DRINK with the university students from Rhodes varsity in the garages at gennozano. Stopping in JO'burg to ride on a Double Decker tram-line bus, WOW!, Walking down the banks of the Zambesi river past the Hippos, Crocs and Elephants in the wild ( no fences) down to the Vic Falls, playing cowbow and crooks in the stone walls of the Zimbabwe Ruins, going down to the movies on a Saturday afternoon with your pile of comics to swop-out and having to give 3 comic books for one Superman comic book was an injustice. Off to the Cafe to sit and sip a coke or a milkshake and put a half penny in the juke-box. Scratching Molly's hair with a needle because it was teased up and sprayed rock hard with hair spray. playing cards at night, the whole family gambling away our pocket money which the Old man won all back. In Bwana makubwa we couldn't wait for month end for the Railway MOVIE coach to arrive so we could watch Seven brides for Seven brothers on the train coach parked in the station for one night. The big party we had the night we blew out the paraffin lamps and switched on the electricity for the first time. What a party with Mr Knotze doing all the dishes after the party and all the LP records were in the kitchen zinc amongst the dishes. Remember it well when the OLD Man threw is own LITTLE PARTY and said if you want I bloody party I will give you one. The days of petrol rationing, Dad was with the St Johns Ambulance brigade and we used to syphon petrol out the ambulance to go for a drive. The day we had brush painted the OPEL CARAVAN station wagon dad had, and Tricia as a baby fell out of her cot and her head hit the wet paint and left half her hair on the side of the car. Polishing the red floors with red polish with the brushes under our feet and dancing to Elvis records while we worked. Sitting on the back step with the big bag of fresh peas, podding them, we had to whistle as not to eat them. Waiting for month end because the groceries were coming by train from the Co-op, and all the surprises of nummies would be in the boxes. Tessy falling under the trailer we were pulling by hand and rope with no breaks, to go on a picnic, she had no skin left. Living across the road of the world champ wrestler, Staying in the Evelyn Rd and having Molly's 21st birthday party. Selling mango's and tomatoes in the streets to make extra pocket money

Hey let shere of some of your stories from way back then..........................

dedicated to Molly's loyal staff house keeper and friend JOSEPH who passed away recently

1 comment:


Bb we watched movies in Chasamba (spelling ?) didn't we?