Friday 1 February 2008

Dads Rose Down-Under

The rose bush that my sis Carol gave me via Tia - "Daddy's Rose Bush" just keeps on giving me beautiful roses with the most wonderful perfume. I always put the cut roses in the vase that was one of Mommy's favourites ( you might all recall the purple vase that looks like an arm and hand with fingers) Next to my Special photo of Carol and a small photo of Daddy taken on his 80th with Kevin in the photo - the lost one. Tessy adds this and says click here to see more, Tessy's treatment of hands/fingers hands is off to a good start, and before long she will be typing with all her fingers, we all know what she has achieved before, so this is just one more step in her fighting attitude to climb the ladder in her list of objectives.


Unknown said...

This is beautiful! i had no idea!:)

Unknown said...

This is beautiful! I had no idea! :)