Come on the rest of YOU, Down under is kicking some serious butt.
A family blog, to showcase the FAMILY and all its extensions around the world - Zambia, South Africa, Australia, America, The Emmirates and England. Wadey, Whitaker, Cowle, Bechard, Cooper, The Cowle's, Baart, Burnett, Ritchie, Stapelberg, Conlon and Mitchell - with all the off-spring, Grand kids and Great Grand kids.
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Hello " All You Beatifull People" now we can see where you all come from - on the flag counter.
Still trying to digest the flag counter but looks like magic and once again our Bb has done it.
As you all know, and if you didn't know, I am the DOFF one when it comes to computers,BUT I do learn fast if you give me step by step instructions!! This Flag Counter looks stunning but I don't know how it works, must I DO anything after I have looked at the BLOG to make sure you can see EYE have been there!! B.T.W. for anyone interested I thought I would put this on the BLOG for all to see, Meldy is now on Skype...her Skype name is Merilyn Brownrigg so if anyone wants to add her please do, she asks after everyone whenever she phones me, which is pretty often. Mr Editor my next move is to send you an e-mail...wait for it it's coming...yep the 20 questions kind! Carol
Not fair - there is only me in the UAE! This will be like voting on Idols or Big Brother - will have to get my UAE mates to logon so my log count under the UAE flag goes up!
Does it show when I log in from Mauritius?
I log on when I come to bed thats about 10 or 11 pm then I read comments and whatever new postings are on the blog. I then make comments where I want and then log out. I Then log back on in the morning about 6 am and do it all again. By 7 am my laptop is switched off until the night time when I come to bed.
Yes, it logs the count from any where in the world. I see we had a visitor from Bhutan, a small country between China and India in southern Asia - wonder who this was who visited the blog on 5th October 2010
Oh dear, the secret is out. I thought I would look at the BLOG when I flew over to China to do my Christmas Shopping! To save some money as S.A. is becoming so expensive, much cheaper as everything is made in China. I see this was a dead give away so now you know it was me all you China's out there :)
Someone's taking all my pocket money from me on a Friday night after we all got given pocket money and then played Ludo and the likes for money and somehow Dad used to win all the money back! Well I feel like that this morning, someones taking my visits to the BLOG away. I have been on the BLOG lots this weekend, the first time I went on which I think was Thursday I noted South Africa Flag visitors 45, the next time I went on I took particular notice and the S.A. Flag said 45, now three more visit later and it still says 45!! Who'se cheating us, Monica and Carol, of our South African glag counts as we are very proud of our South African flag?? c'mon own up! Which reminds me of a story when we were all little. Remember there was always boxes of Jelly in the grocery cupboard. Well there was one left and as I was still fairly small I 'took' the Jelly out of the cupboard, without asking of course...I mean who'se gonna miss a jelly. I ate it all up with my tongue and the palm of my hand...I had a red tongue and lips but when small who thinks of that!! Later Dad's voice boomed from the kitchen calling all of us to come and stand in a straight stripe in the kitchen! He asked, in a very stern voice...who stole the jelly out the cupboard, of course we ALL said not me including me, red tongue, lips and all, I didn't know it was a dead give away...Dad said I am going to ask one more time and someone better answer or everyone is getting a hiding till they own up. One more time we all said NO it wasn't me. Dad then said ok off to the bathroom all of you, When we got to the bathroom Dad said ok once more...who stole the jelly, I piped up that I took the jelly and ate it all up not knowing he wanted to make a Trifle for pudding. I couldn't bear everyone getting a hiding because of me. You all went out the bathroom and I got my hiding...I will never forget Dad saying 'Miss Carol that is not for stealing the jelly, it's for telling a lie in the first place'. If you all recall Dad would get cross if anyone lied, family or not, it was one thing he could not handle. That taught me a valuable lesson in life. To this day I don't tell lies and it is also something I can't handle and that is if anyone lies to me. Now how is that on a lesson learnt im life? Anyone else got some lessons in life they would like to share...we could all learn something from each other. Though shalt not steal! I didn't think takimg a jelly was stealing but now, as an adult, I should have asked permission..RIP Old Man
The flag counter still says 45 for South Africa! No problem, at least the message I thought had gone into thin air is on the BLOG! My comment is not meant to remind anyone of a's more to emphasize it wasn't the jelly it was the lie. Funny how certain things stick in ones brain, and oh what a valuable lesson I learnt that day which has stood me in good stead all my life! Thanks old man for teaching us the real values in life...
I should get 'bonus hit' points as I am sure you never thought you would gets hits on the blog from Saudi Arabia!
When I visted the blog last night the Australia count was 361 tonight its 369 which means 8 people have visited the blog. Now I presume some of those 8 may be the Stapelbergs, some are the Bechards and some are friends. But just goe to show how interested people are with the Blog. Well done Bb.
Australia is not kicking butt just enjoying the BLOG Bb
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